67 research outputs found

    Exploring Alternative Approaches for TwitterForensics: Utilizing Social Network Analysis to Identify Key Actors and Potential Suspects

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    SNA (Social Network Analysis) is a modeling method for users which is symbolized by points (nodes) and interactions between users are represented by lines (edges). This method is needed to see patterns of social interaction in the network starting with finding out who the key actors are. The novelty of this study lies in the expansion of the analysis of other suspects, not only key actors identified during this time. This method performs a narrowed network mapping by examining only nodes connected to key actors. Secondary key actors no longer use centrality but use weight indicators at the edges. A case study using the hashtag "Manchester United" on the social media platform Twitter was conducted in the study. The results of the Social Network Analysis (SNA) revealed that @david_ornstein accounts are key actors with centrality of 2298 degrees. Another approach found @hadrien_grenier, @footballforall, @theutdjournal accounts had a particularly high intensity of interaction with key actors. The intensity of communication between secondary actors and key actors is close to or above the weighted value of 50. The results of this analysis can be used to suspect other potential suspects who have strong ties to key actors by looking.SNA (Social Network Analysis) is a modeling method for users which is symbolized by points (nodes) and interactions between users are represented by lines (edges). This method is needed to see patterns of social interaction in the network starting with finding out who the key actors are. The novelty of this study lies in the expansion of the analysis of other suspects, not only key actors identified during this time. This method performs a narrowed network mapping by examining only nodes connected to key actors. Secondary key actors no longer use centrality but use weight indicators at the edges. A case study using the hashtag "Manchester United" on the social media platform Twitter was conducted in the study. The results of the Social Network Analysis (SNA) revealed that @david_ornstein accounts are key actors with centrality of 2298 degrees. Another approach found @hadrien_grenier, @footballforall, @theutdjournal accounts had a particularly high intensity of interaction with key actors. The intensity of communication between secondary actors and key actors is close to or above the weighted value of 50. The results of this analysis can be used to suspect other potential suspects who have strong ties to key actors by looking


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    Broiler chickens are the result of superior breeds that produce a lot of meat. In practice, however, many breeders experience crop failure, which has a serious impact on the economy and can also affect farmer quality, resulting in sanctions. The value of the performance index produced at harvest indicates the success rate of harvesting broiler chickens. Broiler crop yield data can be used to help classify broiler crop yield data using an approach method. The CRISP-DM (Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining) method was used in this study's data mining technique. This study compares 3 classification algorithms to determine the best algorithm and 3 feature selection methods to determine the best method for improving algorithm performance. According to the findings of this study, the Random Forest algorithm is the best algorithm for classifying harvest data, with an accuracy rate of 89.14 percent. The best way to improve the algorithm's performance is to use the Backward Elimination method, which can increase the accuracy by 7.53 percent. As a result, the Random Forest + Backward Elimination algorithm yields an accuracy value of 96.67 percent. According to this study, the factors that influence crop yield increase are FCR, number of harvests, and body weight

    Modul guru pembelajar paket keahlian teknik geomatika kelompok kompetensi F

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    Pedoman penyusunan modul diklat pengembangan keprofesian berkelanjutan bagi guru dan tenaga kependidikan merupakan petunjuk bagi penyelenggara pelatihan di dalam melaksakan pengembangan modul. Pedoman ini disajikan untuk memberikan informasi tentang penyusunan modul sebagai salah satu bentuk bahan dalam kegiatan pengembangan keprofesian berkelanjutan bagi guru dan tenaga kependidikan


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    Pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia yang menguat setiap tahun berpengaruh terhadap strategi yang dipertimbangkan oleh pemilik bisnis F&B, salah satunya kafe the Hidden Hertiv di Medan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mencari alternatif strategi bisnis dan menentukan prioritas urutan strategi yang perlu dilakukan kafe the Hidden Hertiv. Penelitian ini meliputi beberapa tahap dengan menggunakan metode QSPM dan SWOT Strategy yang disusun berdasarkan Value Chain. Tahapan dimulai dengan mengolah data dan mengumpulkan strategi melalui SWOT Analysis, dilanjutkan dengan penentuan nilai strategi dengan IFAS & EFAS yang disusun ke IE Matrix. Tahapan terakhir adalah menentukan strategi utama dan urutan strategi alternatif dengan metode QSPM dan Value Chain based SWOT Strategy. Hasil penelitian menghasilkan enam belas alternatif strategi yang mempengaruhi delapan nilai dari Value Chain the Hidden Hertiv. Adapun strategi prioritas yaitu membangun image dari brand The Hidden Hertiv secara masif, melalui media offline & online

    Perencanaan Ulang Rencana Strategis untuk Pemasaran Produk di Masa Pandemi Covid-19: Indonesia

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    UKM Prime Store bergerak sebagai toko retail yang menjual berbagai oli dengan mengambil oli dari distributor oli yang sah, dengan mendistribusikannya ke berbagai bengkel sepeda motor dan ke para agen sebanyak mungkin agar dapat sampai kepada konsumen. Rencana strategi perlu digunakan dikarenakan penurunan permintaan pasar sebesar 20% di tahun 2019, dimana pada tahun 2018 dapat terjual 2000 dus setiap bulannya, namun di tahun 2019 hanya terjual 1600 dus setiap bulannya, di tahun 2020 terjadi kenaikan 10% di awal tahun menjadi 1700-1800 di bulan Januari - Juni 2020, lalu menurun lagi sampai dengan akhir tahun 2020. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk meningkatkan volume penjualan dengan memanfaatkan kemajuan teknologi, meningkatkan penjualan melalui brosur, iklan dan promosi. Metode yang digunakan adalah Metode SWOT, QSPM, Metode 4P dan KPI. Dari hasil strategi yang didapatkan 6 strategis yang dapat digunakan dari pengolahan data QSPM, diharapkan UKM dapat meningkatkan penjualan dengan memanfaatkan kemajuan teknologi, dan meningkatkan penjualan melalui brosur, iklan dan promosi yang di buat UKM. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat membantu perusahaan maupun UKM yang terkena dampak pandemi untuk dapat bangkit dan meningkatkan penjualan produk mereka kembali


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    The provision of targeted funds is important, especially for banking institutions. In order to be able to channel funds properly, banks need to select proposals for assistance requests addressed to the Bank. the criteria requested this is a problem that occurs in the East Nusa Tenggara Regional Development Bank (BPD NTT). The purpose of the Fund Assistance Proposal is for Parties to be able to provide Assistance in the form of Funds or goods to Applicants for Proposals SSM It is a structured approach system to understand the problem, so that it can know the steps that will be taken to overcome the problem and carry out a process which is a more humane and highly efficient system modeling taking into account various aspects of behavior, both organizational behavior and human behavior in complex conditions where there are different points of view on the definition of problems on soft problems or problems related to organizational and human behavior which are not deterministic, but probalistic. In addition, this method builds a conceptual model that is useful for identifying problems so that the right decision-making process can be carried out. In doing so there are 7 steps that will be carried out which are useful for the process of comparing the problem situation in order to identify the most feasible changes and using CATWOE Analysis to understand the different points of view that each stakeholder has together in the organization, every problem has a solution. but whether the answer is appropriate for the organization or not this is an advantage of CATWOE. The results of these stages will be in the form of a support system for a better future system process

    Exploring MSMEs Cybersecurity Awareness and Risk Management : Information Security Awareness

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    The use of information technology in the management of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) is not limited to business performance and productivity but also aspects of data security and transactions using various mobile, website, and desktop-based applications. This article offers an idea to explore cybersecurity awareness and risk management of MSME actors who adopt information technology. The research method used is qualitative with a case study approach in the Coffeeshop X business and the Y Souvenir business in Salatiga City, Central Java, Indonesia. The data collection technique used in-depth interviews, observation, and document studies. These findings indicate that Cybersecurity Awareness, especially information security awareness, can be reviewed based on knowledge, attitudes, and behavior. Risk management can be review based on supply risk, operational risk, and customer risk. Cybersecurity Awareness and Risk Management in MSMEs is holistic and cannot be generalized, so it needs to be discussed contextually based on case studies. In the context of Coffeeshop X and Souvenir Y, the level of Cybersecurity Awareness (knowledge, attitude, behavior) is not always linear. In addition, risk management is more dominant in the customer risk dimension, compared to supply risk and operational risk.


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    ABSTRAKCovid-19 membawa dampak pembatasan kegiatan keagamaan tatap muka di gereja untuk mencegah terbentuknya klaster penyebaran Covid-19 di gereja. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah melakukan digitalisasi di GKJ Salatiga Timur dengan cara membangun website untuk GKJ Salatiga Timur. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan ini, ada dua. Pertama, pembangunan website gereja. Kedua, pelatihan dan pendampingan administrator yang bertugas untuk mengelola dan memelihara website gereja. Peserta kegiatan ini ada 12 orang. Hasil kegiatan ini, adalah tersedianya website GKJ Salatiga Timur yang dapat diakses di http://gkjsalatigatimur.org. Website gereja menjadi media publikasi dan komunikasi antara pengurus gereja dan jemaatnya. Informasi tentang kegiatan gereja bisa diakses jemaat melalui website. Tak hanya itu, rekaman ibadah online setiap minggunya, baik untuk ibadah umum maupun ibadah sekolah minggu juga sudah dapat diakses oleh jemaat melalui website gereja. Hasil pelatihan administrator website, anggota Komisi Multimedia dan Petugas Administrasi GKJ Salatiga Timur sudah dapat melakukan pemeliharaan dan pembaharuan informasi terkait kegiatan pelayanan jemaat di GKJ Salatiga Timur. Kata kunci: digitalisasi; gereja; pelayanan jemaat; Covid-19. ABSTRACTCovid-19 brings the impact of restrictions on face-to-face religious activities in churches to prevent the formation of clusters of Covid-19 spread in churches. The purpose of community service activity is to digitize GKJ Salatiga Timur by building a website for GKJ Salatiga Timur. Methods of implementing this activity, first, building a church website. Second, training and mentoring administrators the church website. There are 12 participants in this activity.This activity was carried out by the construction of church websites and training administrators in charge of managing and maintaining church websites. The result of this activity is the availability of GKJ Salatiga Timur website that can be accessed in http://gkjsalatigatimur.org. Website church becomes a medium of publication and communication between church administrators and their congregations. Information about church activities can be accessed by the congregation through the website. Not only that, recordings of online worship every week, both for public worship and sunday school worship can also be accessed by the congregation through the church's website. The result of administrator training, members of the Multimedia Commission and the Administration Officer of GKJ Salatiga Timur have been able to maintain and update information related to church service activities in GKJ Salatiga Timur. Keywords: digitization; church; church ministry; Covid-19

    Keamanan Data Pada Perangkat Internet Of Things Menggunakan Metode Public-Key Cryptography

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    Developments of IoT in every sector gives a new problem, it is information security. There are many issues about data theft and hacking in IoT system, this is because the weak of system security. IoT device is a part of system that needs special care for that issues. This research focuses on data security in IoT decive like microcontroller that only has a limited resources. Firstly is implement public-key cryptography using RSA algorithm in the device. Then, make an analysis process to see the effectiveness and efficiency of the method. Finally result of this paper shows that implementation of public-key cryptography in IoT device for data security still make the device effective and efficient to work only for small key

    Tsunami Vulnerability and Risk Assessment in Banyuwangi District using machine learning and Landsat 8 image data

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    The tsunami is a disaster that often occurs in Indonesia, there are no valid indicators to assess and monitor coastal areas based on functional land use and based on land cover which refers to the biophysical characteristics of the earth's surface. One of the recommended methods is the vegetation index. Vegetation index is a method from LULC that can be used to provide information on how severe the impact of the tsunami was on the area.In this study, an increase in the vegetation index was carried out using machine learning. The purpose of this study was to develop a tsunami vulnerability assessment model using the Vegetation Index extracted from Landsat 8 satellite imagery optimized with KNN, Random Forest and SVM. The stages of study, are: 1)extraction Landsat 8 images using algorithms NDVI, NDBI, NDWI, MSAVI, and MNDWI; 2) prediction of vegetation indices using KNN, Random Forest, and SVM algorithms. 3) accuracy testing using the MSE, RMSE, and MAE,4) spatial prediction using the Kriging function and 5) tsunami modelling vulnerability indicators. The results of this study indicate that the NDVI interpolation value is 0 - 0.1 which is defined as vegetation density, biomass growth, and moderate to low vegetation health. the NDWI value is 0.02 - 0.08 and the MNDWI value is 0.02 - 0.09 which is interpreted as the presence of surface water along the coast. MSAVI is a value of 0.1 – 0 which is defined as the absence of vegetation. The NDBI interpolation value is -0.05 - (-0.08) which is interpreted as the existence of built-up land with social and economic activities. From the results of research on the 10 areas studied, there are 3 areas with conditions that have a high level of tsunami vulnerability. 2 areas with medium vulnerability and 5 areas with low vulnerability to tsunami